The Camera
Whilst researching Abelardo Morell and Vera Lutter, I created my own Camera Obscura and began to further my understanding of the principles of photography.
I created my own camera obscura with a pringles tube. I took the pictures by putting the DIY obscura infront of my camera to create the obscura's effect.
For editing, I played around with things like contrast and exposure. Low exposure made the lighter part of the image stand out more, and appear cleaer.
Fast Shutter Speed
Slow Shutter Speed
The light that enters the camera and hits the camera sensor is called exposure. If there is too much light entering the image, it will be too bright (over exposed). If there is not enough light entering the image, it will appear dull (under exposed).
Shutter Speed
Shutter speed is the amount of time that the camera shutter is open for. Faster shutter speed means it is easier to capture the subject without a blur. Slowed shutter speed creates a blurred image.
Aperture is the opening of a lens that light passes through to enter the camera. The shrinkage or enlargement of the aperture creates dimension and depth of field.
Depth of Field
Depth of field is the distance between near and far objects that are in focus in the image. Large depth of field means a sharper scene, narrow depth of field creates a narrow focus in the image.
ISO=International Standards Organisation, it refers to the cameras sensitivity to light. Higher ISO means more light sensitivity, lower ISO is less sensitivity to light.